Getting from 70-80

Ok, my mage is now 79. Since I have three characters at 80 and very soon a fourth, you can probably conclude that a) I have no life or b) I should be pretty good at levelling by now. Since I’m Alliance and can’t be Undead (hur hur hur) I shall go with b). So, the following is my guide to getting to 80 smoothly in Northrend since there are actually some choices as to which zones you want to do. There are supposedly two zone paths to 80, one from Borean Tundra and one from Howling Fjord. But based on my experience, there is actually an optimal way to go through.

First off, it is really easy to level in Outlands now since the last patch reduced the experience needed. I would recommend getting to at least 70 in Outlands because you can easily reach that by the time you hit Nagrand, and you will be coming back to Outlands anyway to buy your flying mount (the ones in Northrend are very expensive). So you might as well hit 70 and buy your mount first so that you’re all ready to use it when you hit 77.

70-72 Borean Tundra
First off, I highly recommend that you start in Borean Tundra (BT) rather than Howling Fjord (HF), for many reasons.
1) The boat goes from Stormwind, and arrives at Valiance Keep much faster compared to taking a flight to Menethil from Ironforge, and then taking a sightseeing tour of the Fjord.
2) If you care about achievements, BT has the D.H.E.T.A. quests and associated achievement. HF does not have any similar mini-achievement.
3) The geography at HF includes many many hills and ravines, which are a pain since you don’t have a flying mount yet. Travel time going from quest hub to quest hub is much longer.
4) The Kaluak questline opens up faster in BT, and easily enables you to start the daily Preparing for the Worst. The Kaluak area in HF is half a map away and requires you to do a lengthy pre-quest running a fair distance away. Just getting down to their area also requires waiting for a lift.
5) There is a lengthy series of pre-quests to open up multiple quests in the Nexus. These should be done as soon as possible so that you have them ready in case you manage to find a instance group. In contrast, the 2 quests for Utgarde Keep have no pre-requisites and can be picked up just outside the summoning stone.
6) Coldarra has a Wyrmrest daily called Drake Hunt.

Doing all the quests in BT should easily bring you to level 72.

72-74 Dragonblight
From Borean Tundra, head east to Star’s Rest in Dragonblight (DB) as there should be a quest leading you there. Dragonblight is preferable to Grizzly Hills (GH) which is the similar level equivalent for the following reasons:
1) DB has the quest chain to unlock the Wyrmrest daily Defending the Temple, as well as many quests giving Wyrmrest reputation. GH has no useful reputations.
2) DB also has more Kaluak quests including the 2nd daily, Planning for the Future which involves kidnapping those lovable Wolvar puppies. Again, GH has no useful reputations. The Kaluak quartermaster is also in Moaki Harbor (they sell a nice chestpiece at 76 and a nice weapon at 78 for most classes).
3) The questline for Veteran of the Wrathgate is also in Dragonblight. This is pretty much a must-see in terms of the storyline and “omg cinematic”.
4) If you’re a mage, Star’s Rest has the quest which teaches you how to port to Dalaran.

However, you will probably find that there are some quests that can only be picked up at 75, and you’re stuck at mid-74. Never fear, as you can easily hop on over to GH once you run out of easy quests in DB. If you can find a group for Azjol-Nerub or Ahn’Kahet, they are easily doable at this level range.

75 Grizzly Hills
Yes, yes, GH has no useful reputations. But there are a series of easy quests on the left side of the map, including some that lead in to Drak’Tharon Keep. There are also some dailies that give 10 Venture Coins each, 30 of which can buy a pretty good relic item (libram, totem, idol, wand, sigil). The ret pally libram and resto shaman totem are both very very usable at 80. You can also gank (or be ganked by) some Horde/Alliance who are trying to do the dailies if you’re bored of bashing NPCs.

After reaching 75, head on back to DB and finish off the remaining quests.

75-77 Zul’Drak
Story-wise, you will miss out a bit on not having completed Grizzly Hills, especially if you missed out going to Drak’Tharon Keep. But why Zul’Drak (ZD) instead of Sholazar Basin (SB)?
1) ZD has a TON of Argent Crusade and Ebon Blade quests. It also has the Argent Crusade daily Pa’Troll, although it isn’t really worth doing at this point since you don’t have a flying mount.
2) ZD contains another instance, Gun’Drak. SB has no instances.
3) ZD has the Amphitheater of Anguish, which is Ring of Blood Mk 2. Similarly, there are several nice weapon rewards that are still usable at 80 if you can get a group for this. It’s easily doable by 2-3 level 80s and can be tanked + healed by a BM hunter pet.
4) The quest Ragemane’s Flipper rewards one of the best tanking weapons for pallies/warriors until a heroic drop.
5) SB is a farming/herbing/skinning heaven. If you are on a PvP server, there will be many many many level 80s flying around mindlessly farming. They may be bored. Or after a few hours, everything looks like a Titanium Node. Including your head.
6) SB is literally, the furthest possible point you can get from Dalaran. This is because there is no flight path that goes through Wintergrasp, which is right smack in between Dalaran and the Basin. Any flight to/from Dalaran involves you touring Northrend.
7) Oracles and Frenzyheart reputation are not very important. Their gear is largely replaceable, and also require the associated reputation to wear. Besides the achievement of getting exalted with both, there is no real point to getting exalted as both trinkets are pretty useless at 80. There is a low chance to get a nice mount from the Oracles (my pally got it on the first egg *kek*) but given that the egg takes 7 days to hatch… you can easily do this at 80.

After hitting 77, you should go buy cold-weather flying at Dalaran for 1,000 gold. This speeds things up immensely, especially if you have epic flying, which I highly recommend. 6,000 gold is chump change in WotLK, my pally recently got the achievement for getting 10,000 gold from quests.

77 Howling Fjord
This is when you should fly over to HF and romp through the Kaluak quests on the western side of the map, picking up the flight path at Westgard Keep in the meantime. Being able to fly makes doing these quests a breeze. There are also 2 quests which have decent blue trinket rewards.

For players who intend to do Northrend Loremaster or want to reap bucketloads of gold from questing, I recommend finishing off the rest of HF now as well. At this point, all quests in HF are still green, hence they give full experience. However, by about 78-79 some quests start to turn grey or the mobs involved in the quest turn grey. Finishing off the zone at this point will enable you to reap the full benefits in terms of gold and experience compared to coming back at 80.

77-79 Storm Peaks
Now there is a choice between Icecrown (IC) or Storm Peaks (SP). If you are, or plan to be, an Incriptionist (Scribe) then you can skip SP if you wish and go straight to IC. If not, then go to K3 in SP to open up the Sons of Hodir dailies through a ridiculously long questline. The dailies themselves are a pain until honored reputation, after which they become bearable and a decent source of gold. You can stop at honored for the shoulder enchants since the exalted versions aren’t really all that much better. Once you unlock the Sons of Hodir dailies, you can also pick up 2 quests that lead into Halls of Lightning.

79-80 Icecrown
The Argent Crusade encampment starts you off on a questline that gives what is likely going to be one of your trinkets going into heroics. From here on, a lot of quest rewards are very usable at 80 until you replace them with heroic or reputation gear. There is a lot of Argent Crusade reputation, including another daily. Once you unlock the Shadow Vault, there are also Ebon Blade dailies and many many many Ebon Blade quests along the western edge. The Admiral questline has decent gear, ending with some nice neck choices.

You should easily hit 80 midway through Icecrown (or near the end, if you didn’t do SP).

Grats on 80, time for heroics
All these zones are fairly close to Dalaran, where you should have set your hearth once you are able to. This lets you easily get to a bank, and portals back to capitals for training. GH,SB and HF are further away from Dalaran than their counterparts as well. Every day, you can go in a line from Dalaran to Wyrmrest temple, to Moaki Harbor, to Unupe Stand, to Coldarra, doing Kaluak + Wyrmrest dailies. At 80, Aces High! also opens up at Coldarra for more Wyrmrest reputation and practice for Malygos.

It can’t hurt…

This isn’t really a WoW post, but since its about human behaviour and WoW is played by humans… inevitably it shows up as well in the game.

How many times have you heard/seen people giving “it can’t hurt” as a reason for doing something? Even if you can show them that whatever they are doing has absolutely no benefit, they will still do it because “it can’t hurt”.

One example of this is the recently promoted “Earth Hour”. It was supposed to be a global event on Friday night, where people would switch off their lights for one hour in order to “save the environment and fight against global warming”. The local radio stations promoted it heavily, and there were newspaper articles written about it as well. Apparently a lot of people pledged to do it, claiming that they want to be environmentally conscious.

However, if you think about it, do you think Earth Hour accomplished anything at all towards saving the environment? For one measly hour, some people turned off their lights. At the end of the hour, they turned them all back on, turned on their air-conditioning, took their 5th bath of the day, drove off for supper in their SUVs or Mercedes Benzes. There was even a letter written to the newspaper here the next day which showed that turning off lights didn’t even save any electricity. The power company does not burn less coal/natural gas if you don’t turn on your lights. They don’t store the “excess power” in batteries, therefore they are not saving it for future use.

If you tell the people who participated all of the above, they would still do it. Because they think that “it can’t hurt”.

Unfortunately, humans are complicated animals, and I think that Earth Hour probably did more damage to the environment than it helped. Why is this so?

It took money to promote the event, which was supposed to be a global affair. Sure, you could say the radio stations and the newspapers didn’t charge for it since they saw it as a form of charity. However, it still COST money. Time is money, regardless of whether any currency changed hands. Instead of spending all that time promoting the event, people could have just donated money (that they would have earned using that time) towards a cause that has a real impact on the environment such as research on alternative energy.

Most importantly, such events give people, and their conscience, an excuse. I’ve said before that I don’t believe in charity, for similar reasons. The only people who benefit from this are the participants. For the extremely cheap price of switching off their lights for one hour (how romantic and exciting…), they have now assuaged their conscience. They can go on with their regular lives, wasting money on frivolous things such as Gucci handbags and driving 2 mins to the store instead of walking “because it’s hot”. They can do this without any second thoughts because in their mind, they have already done their part for the environment. They have exorcised the build-up of guilt that is necessary to push people to make real changes to their lifestyles that would have a real impact.

All actions can have consequences that go beyond the immediately obvious. Tobold says 50 million bucks can’t hurt. Can’t it? I don’t agree with Syncaine either that WoW tourists ruin other games, but I can certainly see how they could have some sort of effect. It’s a bit short-sighted to just say “they got 50 million when they could have gotten 0 million”, because they might have gotten more than 50 million in the long run without the swarm of locusts… i mean, WoW tourists.

Can we see this in WoW? Of course… have you given gold to mailbox dancing begzorz? After all, “it can’t hurt” right? It’s just 10 gold, and you feel good and generous for a few minutes. However, you just encouraged yet another annoying beggar that they can get what they want for free. Instead of being dirt poor and motivated to actually learn some basic money managing concepts that will hold them in good stead even in real life, they now know that they can idle around and still get gold for doing nothing. Giving gold to a guildie for his epic mount is the same thing. When things fall into your lap, why learn how to do it yourself?

Great job, what would we ever do without charity. The road to hell is paved with good intentions indeed.

Tanking vs Healing vs Damage

First off, I’m gonna insert the obligatory “you need all 3 roles of tank, healers and dps to work together to clear an instance”. This is undeniably true, although in certain kooky cases you can use a pet to tank or get by with no heals. But since I have 3 level 80’s of each type, I’d like to put down my thoughts on what it’s like to play each type of character in WoW today, especially since a lot of people like to complain that their particular role is the hardest.

My dps character is my ret pally. Frankly, dps is the easiest class to play in order to meet the minimum requirements, i.e. doing enough damage to kill the boss in a timely manner. A dps class only needs to pay attention to 2 things: themselves (cds, timers) and the environment (bad stuff on the ground). There is ultimately no excuse for any dps class to not see any avoidable damage. In TBC, dps was a bit more difficult to play due to many dps classes also being expected to do crowd control. I remember in Shadow Labs or Magister’s Terrace, my warlock would be expected to seduce one target, banish a demon, fear another, and dps the primary target. In WotLK, you just /cast Rain of Fire, taking a page from the “they are cc’d if they are dead” book. DPS characters also form the largest pool in any group/raid, and their contribution is towards a common target. This means there is less individual responsibility and their mistakes can be covered by others and are often unnoticeable.

However, in WotLK the focus has also shifted squarely onto dps in that they have been made more accountable. Because it’s so easy to just dps, the really bad dps players no longer have any excuse. Many fights also require a certain amount of dps (admittedly, its really easy to reach this level) rather than being able to plug away indefinitely.

Being REALLY GOOD dps can be also be much harder than being a good tank or healer. Several dps classes have very complicated rotations due to the multitude of new skills, some of which have quite interesting mechanisms. This can technically be more difficult to play than a tank/healer which tends to have more simplified mechanisms. Unfortunately, there is simply no requirement for dps to be at the top of their game now. You can get by and do better than average dps as long as you have half a brain and don’t do things just because “I like it that way”.

Healers have to pay more attention than dps in that they have to pay attention to : themselves (cds, mana bar), the health of all their targets, and the environment. Healers also need to know how to prioritise (I’m quite bad at this, all health bars look the same to me). Tanks come first, followed by healers (themselves), followed by those dime-a-dozen dps. Decisions by healers also have a more meaningful impact. When a dps has to choose between finishing their cast and moving out of void zone, its quite a simple decision (hint: the answer is move because no one cares about you finishing your fireball). For a healer, if the choice is between healing the main tank at 20% and moving out of void zone… its not so easy.

Healers also work as a team, and can cover for each other even though it is usually better to arrange targets beforehand. In that sense, healers have it harder the smaller the group because their “team” gets smaller and smaller. However, despite what I’ve always read about healers getting the blame for wipes, I’ve never actually encountered this. There are always many other factors involved that I can use as excuses 🙂 e.g. dps didn’t move out of aoe in time, tank undergeared etc etc.

In WotLK, since almost every class has aoe heals and mana is not really an issue, the technical aspect of healing has become much easier. There is no downranking, so healers basically have very few buttons they need to push. On my resto shaman, I basically keep up earth shield, spam lesser healing wave everywhere and riptide periodically. If there’s aoe damage, I spam my good old chain healzorz in a whack-a-mole fashion. Unless I’m standing in bad stuff, I don’t have to really know or care about what the fight is about and what the boss does (unless its Loatheb). Of course there is a difference between a good healer and a bad healer, but in raids it can be made up by the rest of the healing team. The major stumbling block in healing isn’t the raw throughput, its the global cooldowns. Having one healer who may be incompetent but can be told to “just keep person x and y up” is of huge benefit to other healers since they can concentrate on using their time to save other people.

I don’t know if our guild is an aberration, but in WotLK there has been a sudden wave of people who all want to play tanks. Tanking in this expansion has been made much more appealing due to the fact that all the tank classes do much more damage now, to the point that they can regularly outdps poorly-played dps characters.

However, while many people may want to tank… the harsh reality is that many people can’t. Playing a tank well requires the player to possess in-depth knowledge about game mechanics and encounters that goes beyond what is readily available in the game. For example, a dps class can easily figure out what is their main damage increasing stat (e.g. spellpower, strength). If they are not at the hit cap, so be it their dps will suffer, but its not the end of the world. A tank that is not at the defence cap, however… is not going to have a pleasant experience. Tanks need to know about threat and aggro tables. They need to know about line-of-sight pulls.

So not only do tanks have to look at their own cooldowns, and the environment (bad stuff), they also have to lookout for the environment of the raid and understand the strategy well. The middle of the fight is not a good time for the raid leader to tell the tank “move it to the left! no, your other left!”.

A classic example can be seen in Vault of Archavon. Archavon will occasionally bounce like a gummi bear to a random raid member and start farting in place. A really bad tank will run forward and start tanking him in the cloud, oblivious to the damage. An average tank will run forward, tank him, move back a few steps so that they personally are out of the cloud, but leave Archavon (and all melee dps) standing in the cloud. A good tank will see move Archavon such that his rear arc is clear for melee dps to stand in.

This is compounded by the fact that a tank’s job is essentially a solo job. No one can “help” you tank a boss. An off-tank can help pick up the boss, but by then it’s already painfully obvious that something went wrong i.e. you’re dead. But on the bright side, playing a tank means that you can make a very significant contribution to the success of a group.

So which is more fun?
It’s no surprise why there seem to be very few tanks, followed by healers, followed by the plethora of dps. It’s also because every single class has a dps spec, whereas a priest is never going to be a tank and a mage is never going to be a healer.

I personally find all 3 roles very fun. I love tanking but sometimes it can be stressful. Dps is easy and relaxing, but sometimes its too easy and I can’t do anything about tank-fail. I personally love healing on my shaman as well, but somehow a lot of people can’t get past Big Number Syndrome and the fact that the numbers are green instead of yellow takes away from their enjoyment.

However, I will always recommend that players should try out each role. I really think it improves your understanding of how WoW works and makes you better at whichever role you end up playing the most.

Failing at Sarth + 1 drake

Last night, our guild attempted to do OS + 1 drake up for the first time. It was a spur of the moment decision by the raid leader after clearing VoA 10.

It was full of fail 😛

I would imagine that our experience would be pretty common among the many casual guilds that now proliferate in WoW. Our raid leader suggested this because he had heard from our friend Psin that Sarth + 1 drake is quite easy, and apparently he had also pugged it before. However, in practice we never got past 10 seconds of Vesperon landing.

Was it because the encounter is too difficult? Many casuals who are happy with the direction Blizzard has taken with WotLK would probably say the difficulty of raids in TBC was just too high, and they don’t have the time to play 8 hours a day to get gear etc etc etc.

Why did we fail Sarth + Vesperon so horribly? As I see it, there were many reasons. After the first 2 wipes, me and my wife could clearly see that there was no point in continuing, and all the subsequent attempts proved us right. And no, it wasn’t gear. So, here’s my own post-mortem of the fight.

1) The biggest reason why we failed was because frankly, “we were not prepared” Our raid leader’s strategy was “pull it and try”. He’s the sort who does not like to read and plan because its too much effort. When told that we have to practice and read up to do Malygos-10, his response was “ok lets not bother with that”. So no one in the raid knew what was happening, the Vesperon tank didn’t know where he should tank him or when Vesperon landed, people didn’t know whether they should enter the portal, etc etc.

2) No attempt was made to correct mistakes. After each wipe, we just rezzed, buffed up, and pulled again. This is like running headlong into a brick wall, hoping that eventually the wall is going to break before your head does.

3) We were not a team, we were a group of 10 individuals. This is related to point 2) in that we did not work together to find out what was going wrong and how to correct it. No one talked about what was causing problems for them, no one offered tips or ideas.

4) Many people were not focused. It was obvious that certain people were doing other things at the same time, such as reading comics, working on job applications, doing some work at home. After a wipe, some people would go afk and say “just tell me when we’re pulling”.

5) DPS was poor for the level of gear we had. As we are a casual guild, we have quite a few players who quite simply do not seem to know what they are doing. There is a fury warrior with 4 piece t7 doing 1600 dps. I did that as an elemental shaman in my quest greens and blues 5 mins after reaching 80. My wife’s warlock did that level of dps at level 76. Another ret pally with naxx-10 level gear was hovering below 2000. However, its hard to tell them how to improve because in a casual guild, they are more likely to just stop playing. Besides, it works in Naxx so obviously there’s nothing wrong with the way they are playing, right? Right???

6) We tried this with 2 healers. In retrospect, 3 would have been a lot more comfortable, compounded by the fact that a lot of people weren’t focused and were taking fire wall damage. But this isn’t as immediately solvable and lessens in importance the better the raid plays.

These are problems that are in a sense inherent within the culture of a really casual guild. They are not easily solved simply by playing more i.e. they were unsuccessful in TBC raids not because they didn’t have time, it was because they didn’t want to be successful.

So now our guild officially fails at sarth + drakes, and it’s unlikely that anyone will think about improving so that we can kill them. After all, it’s optional so average people like those in our guild aren’t “expected” to kill them. Not that I really mind, because frankly I don’t care about killing sarth + drakes either. But should Blizzard nerf sarth + drakes so that we, and other casual guilds like us, can down them too?

That’s what they did with Naxx after all, and that was a good decision right? Instead of asking us to improve, they should lower the difficulty to suit us since we’re paying customers!!! *rolleyes*

Here comes another Pengu

We all know gnomes are the master race. I just realised that for all of my character classes, any class that can be a gnome already is one. My warlock is a gnome, my unloved death knight is a gnome, and my mage is a gnome. If my druid, pally or shaman could be gnomes, I think they would be.

I took my mage Piupiu out from cold storage at level 54 a couple of weeks ago. She was parked in Tanaris transferring items between our Alliance and Horde bank characters. I got motivated to level her to see for myself exactly how difficult mage dps can be at the end-game, due to the larger than average proportion of absolutely terrible mages we met. So I used the bajillion Stone Keeper’s Shards I had saved up on my druid and pally, and bought her the heirloom staff and shoulders. The ones bought with Emblems of Heroism are technically better since they have better stats and not resilience, but I had much better things to do with my emblems and the Shard versions are pretty awesome anyway (the shoulders also have the +10% experience bonus which is what matters).

Despite being quite weak compared to my warlock, she’s now 71. She powered through Outlands going through only Hellfire, Zangarmarsh, a bit of Terrokar and Nagrand without the group quests. It’s really hard to kill elites that can’t be slowed without a tank (the water elemental dies in 4 hits). Northrend is so much better, especially since she can actually get respectable gear easily.

The end result?

Pengu Piupiu

It’s another pengu! Can’t wait to get my pengu pet with her as well. Should give her the Polymorph: Penguin glyph as well keke. I’m going to keep this set of armor around so she can run around looking like that at 80 as well.

Where is the best place to farm…

Arctic fur? Frost lotus? Titanium? Any other non-bop item?

How many times have you heard your guildies ask this question? Every single time someone asks me this, I give them the same reply…

The Auction House.

This is especially true when the item in question is a “rare drop”, like those mentioned above. You could farm for hours without seeing one. In that same time, you could easily have done a couple of daily quests which give some rep as well as gold, and happily picked it up at the AH. In the meantime, you will eventually find such an item in your daily adventuring anyway, at which time you can just sell it on the AH for the same price as you bought it (or better). Net result: you get to use the item you wanted earlier, without any change in your total gold amount.

Always remember, any non-bop item is basically convertible into gold. If you are going to farm for it, you are basically farming for gold. And if you are farming for gold, just do whatever gives you the most gold. Why do something that gives 50g per hour when something else will give 200g per hour?

We have a pally friend in our guild now who constantly respecs and buys boe epics for all his sets. He’s now grinding gold to repay a 1.5k gold debt to another guildie as well as return some abyss crystals for an enchant. Where is he farming gold?

He grinds Karazhan.

I kid you not. He is literally killing mobs in Karazhan mindlessly, to vendor their trash and pick up their coins. He is not an enchanter, so he can’t even disenchant the boss drops. When I tried to convince him to actually use his professions (alchemy) he complained that he doesn’t make a profit unless he procs flasks from his elixir spec. Apparently a 20% profit for standing around making an unlimited number of flasks isn’t enough, he’d rather incur repairs and pick up silver from mob corpses. When I suggested daily quests, he said he does not like questing.

I guess there is a reason he is in debt in the first place >.<

Enchanting Shards

Both WoWInsider and Pugnacious Priest have recently talked about whether enchanters are supposed to help the group disenchant items during an instance run. I haven’t seen this particular phenomenom of enchanters throwing tantrums on our realm yet, but its definitely not the first time it has been discussed.

What boggles my mind is why it is even an issue at all. It simply shows that the enchanter is acting in a purely selfish way, and I would have no qualms about kicking that enchanter and never grouping with them again. Mind you, my shaman is an enchanter as well.

The proponents of enchanters not deing or keeping all the shards for themselves often point out that skinners/miners/herbers don’t share the stuff that they gather in instances. To me, there is a very big difference. The materials that they gather already belong to them, by virtue of the game mechanics making the items appear in their bags without asking for a roll. If they were not there, no one can make any use whatsoever of the herb/mine/poor bear on the floor. Asking them to share is like saying “you took 2000 gold out of your mailbox yesterday, we should get a cut of that”.

An enchanter is not giving up something they already own when they disenchant an item. That item already belongs to someone else. I’m not even going to consider the enchanters that think they are entitled to ALL drops in an instance to de, because that is completely ridiculous. The only reason people are not rolling greed on everything is because the game mechanics prevent an enchanter from disenchanting a soulbound item on another character. Therefore, an enchanter refusing to disenchant something is just plainly telling your group “You just picked up 5 dollars. I have magic powers to turn that 5 dollars into 10 dollars, at a completely negligible cost to me. But you know what? I’M NOT GOING TO.”

Sure, they are perfectly within their right since no one can come over to their house and whup them on the head to make them do so. But stop with all the silly justifications about how enchanters deserve the shards and how they levelled up the profession so they should get the benefit. Next time you want mage strudel, level your own mage to 80. Oh you want me to taunt that mob off you? Roll a pet class. Want heals? Reroll draenei please. Fort? Buy a stamina scroll, I’ll sell it to you for 10g each.

Why play with someone who is shouting out to the world “I’m a selfish asshat and proud of it”?

(She Says) Where’s the Challenge?

This expansion is starting to get old. Our ex-guild who used to raid everyday has been farming the same instances for the past 4 months. I think it’s probably the same story for many raiding guilds: farming bosses for loot ad nauseum, getting full T7.5 and then having so much excess gear that they bring alts to gear up. Wash, rinse, repeat.

In fact the content is so unchallenging, our current casual guild can kill most of the bosses in the first 3-4 tries, once we actually got enough people to come on at the same time.  Having cleared Naxx and done all but the last bosses a couple of times, I’m actually fairly bored of it. The instances only get challenging when people insist on doing things the wrong way like pulling when your healers have no mana/still rezzing, gathering everything at once, pulling when you are not the tank and the tank is not ready. Honestly, I could probably do without “challenges” like that. Esp dealing with prima donnas sulking about not getting their way.

Apart from challenges, the other possible pull would be gear, but both my resto shaman and warlock seems to have geared up enough (from instances, PUG 25OS/VOA, crafted/BOE epics) to have much use of the eq from the runs.  While I’m not pulling the 5k dps that I see top guilds can do from wws logs, I’m comfortably doing 3k+ dps without flasking, the best enchants, food buffs or the highest dps spec. Even if I do more dps, I can make up for other people’s mistakes and stupidity. The things that won’t die still won’t and those that would die will probably just die a few seconds faster. 

Without sufficient challenges, the game feels somewhat shallow. People are likely to play less but on the other hand, more people are able to enjoy the content. It’s Blizzard’s ploy to go (even more) mass market. It’s a very Walmart like strategy, going for volume (of subscribers) and slimmer margins (in terms of shorter subscription period per subscriber) rather than catering to a smaller market of more hardcore players. It’s so easy that anyone can play it with relative success.  You could say that I’m disappointed that being good at dps/healing takes so little, I’m by no means a very skillful player with lightning reflexes. I didn’t bother researching on my warlock dot rotation and the like – I just put up whichever dots I feel like and try to keep them up; for a while I was putting the wrong spellstone on. And even then my dps was good. The only reason I can think of is that the game is too easy.

In the old days when RPGs was something you play by yourself, the successful ones are those with an interesting story or engaging gameplay that doesn’t just involve mashing buttons. In those games, you are competing against yourself. Those stories always start off with the protaganist being this weak mewling level one and gradually building up after much effort to an overpowered hero/heroine. And it always feels great to finally not be so destitute and have to spend 1 minute running back to the inn to rest rather than to use a measly potion.  In fact, the harder the challenge was, the more satisfaction you feel in overcoming it.

And then you come to MMORPGs where you are competing against other people, rather than yourself. Your individual achievements cannot satisfy you unless you know you are better than someone else. Let’s say you have WoW on a private server, and you are happy coz you do 100 dps.  Then say you have the same character but on the world server instead and you find that other people are doing 200 dps rather than 100. Suddenly you feel so much worse about yourself. In the original reincarnation of WoW, the classic version, the 100 dps guy probably wouldn’t get very far – he’d probably be stuck at MC while the 200 dps would be clearing Naxx 40. At the same time, the honor ladder made it such that few people will get good gear through pvp. This creates a big gap between the haves and have-nots and people were unhappy.

So what Blizzard essentially did with from TBC up till Wotlk expansion is to make it such that everybody can get through all the content even if you are only a 100 dpser. And so everybody has similar levels of gear as long as you are willing to put in some time. But because the encounters are so easy, the fun in playing WoW is no longer about the challenge of the fights and it’s all about ilevels on that purple gear, which honestly is not a good motivator for me. So unless Blizzard comes up with more interesting content, I’m probably not going to be in Azeroth for long.

Now I’ve seen it all

Haven’t posted in a while due to being busier at work again, and I seldom post from home 🙂

The Vault of Archavon (VoA) is pretty much the easiest source of loot in WoW right now. This is a raid instance that only becomes accessible when your faction controls Wintergrasp. The 10-man version drops 2 Emblems of Heroism, 1 random T7 Heroes piece and 1 random Arena Brutal piece. The 25-man version drops 2 Emblems of Valor, 2 random T7.25 Valorous pieces and 2 random Arena Hateful pieces. I think I got the arena pieces’ names right, I don’t arena anymore so can’t remember which is the higher tier. Headpieces are excluded from his drops I think, I’ve never seen any.

This guy is really pretty much a loot pinata. The trash leading to him is pretty easy too, with the only things to note being their whirl attack which causes the tank to take 300% physical damage (hence the need for an offtank) and some pink stuff falling from the ceiling. It’s amazing to me how people can actually die to the pink stuff. It’s pink, for crying out loud. It’s almost like it’s intentionally designed to be a bright ugly color so you can’t possibly miss it (the alternative is that Archavon has a pink ceiling… shudder) and yet I’ve seen people just stand in it until they die. I’ve seen a pally stand in it, casting rez on someone who died in it, and drop dead 1 second after completing the rez.

I’ve previously written about mages who did 800 dps and how bad they were. DPS classes were doing that at level 70, there’s no way someone at 80 can still be doing 800 dps. But apparently the idiots are evolving and constantly finding new ways to amaze me.

Over the weekend, I pugged a normal VoA with my resto shaman and a heroic VoA with my feral druid. The tanks in both were a bit slow to taunt Archavon after the stomp, and were very bad at moving him out of the choking cloud. This is actually another pet peeve of mine… a lot of tanks don’t seem to realise that taunt is actually ranged now and will run forward into the cloud, and slowly back him away. All they have to do is remain where they are after Archavon jumps away, press taunt, and wait for him to run back to them…

On the 10-man version, we actually got him down without much problems. I checked Recount and saw that there was a pally who only healed about a tenth of the amount I healed. In shock, I moused over and saw that it comprised of Judgement of Light and Divine Storm. “Phew, he must be dpsing”. *Switch over to dps tab* That same pally was dead last on dps with 800. “Wtf, ok he must be holy or prot and dpsing because we have too many tanks and healers…” Nope, he had Crusader Strike…

On the heroic version, we actually wiped to him due to enrage. Twice. After getting my friend to come help dps on his death knight since we seemed to have horrendous dps, we finally downed him. I checked Recount (to laugh at my friend a.k.a Rufian Jenkins) and was stunned. Two hunters were at the bottom of damage done. One did 800 dps. The other did 300 dps. THREE HUNDRED. 300!


What you mean my dps low?!? No tell me how play my class!1!!11

Sorry couldn’t resist.

How in the world does a level 80 character do 300 dps. And they didn’t die by the way, they were alive and moving throughout the whole fight. I’m quite sure a naked level 80 would do more than that. Interesting experiment actually, then I’d be able to see just how much an effect gear has…

And at the end of it the dumb raid leader master-looted the valorous enhancement shaman chest to a hunter. Why master-loot if you’re unable to read?

It’s almost like the easier Blizzard makes the content to cater to casuals, the more amazingly bad the players will get. At this rate they are going to find some way to heal the boss and do negative dps soon…